
AU11445 Coaling

The original of this coaling crane was built in 1912 and is now located in Chemnitz, in Saxony regio..

48,50€ 41,95€

AU11446 Granary Pre-Order

AU11446 Granary

This granary of Olbernhau s Upper Mill in the Erzgebirge (Ore Mountains) was operated until the earl..

59,90€ 51,81€

AU11448 Deinste station

This country-style railway station at the line Stade-Bremervörde was built in 1898. The main buildi..

62,90€ 54,41€

AU11449 Norgens station Pre-Order

AU11449 Norgens station

The yellow train station building is typical scandinavian. If you decide for the blue walls that are..

43,90€ 37,97€

AU11452 Station equipment Pre-Order

AU11452 Station equipment

From Era II onwards: 2 service/snack bar buildings including guttering, 1 travel direction indicat..

39,90€ 34,51€

AU11453 Detached house Pre-Order

AU11453 Detached house

A half-timbered building is always pretty to look at. Includes lots of little details such as exter..

29,90€ 25,86€

AU11454 Detached house with garage

This modern detached family house includes a patio and a garage that can be fitted with shelving. T..

31,50€ 27,25€

AU11455 Detached house Pre-Order

AU11455 Detached house

Suburban and rural areas often have many half-timbered houses. You can now recreate this with item 1..

29,90€ 25,86€

AU11456 double garage

The garages are furnished with shelves, bicycles and workbenches. A long wall is equipped with ..

13,50€ 11,68€

AU12215 Two houses under construction Εκτός Αποθέματος

AU12215 Two houses under construction

With scaffolding and the traditional "topping off". The roof truss is already up and the siding is r..

26,50€ 22,92€

AU12216 Tank farm extension Pre-Order

AU12216 Tank farm extension

This item extend our article 12 264 with additional tanks. Decals for the numbering of the tankús ar..

23,90€ 20,67€

AU12217 Sawmill Pre-Order

AU12217 Sawmill

Modelled after the sawmill in Pockau in the Iron Mountains, with work area, sawdust tower and manual..

34,50€ 29,84€

AU12222 House with garage Pre-Order

AU12222 House with garage

Covered entrance, garage with moveable door, balcony. 95 x 120 x 80 mm   ..

20,90€ 18,08€

AU12223 House Sybille Pre-Order

AU12223 House Sybille

Practical single-family house with balcony and deck. Ideal for suburban scenes. With attached flow..

17,90€ 15,48€

AU12225 Forester’s house Pre-Order

AU12225 Forester’s house

Attractive half-timbered roof, garage, pigeon cote and henhouse. Focal point for a charming forest s..

26,50€ 22,92€

AU12226 Pöhlberg Mountain inn Pre-Order

AU12226 Pöhlberg Mountain inn

A well-known destination for outings with a splendid view of the central Iron Mountains near Annaber..

32,50€ 28,11€